Summer Missions 2024

To which purpose must we be willing to give our lives? To the purpose our Lord has called all believers to work tirelessly towards: to make disciples of ALL nations.

Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church, worship is.
Missions exists because true worship does not.

The worship of God “is the fuel and goal in missions” (John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad, p. 11).

We learn in Revelation that all of history is moving toward one final end — the eternal worship of God by His elect, redeemed people. As Peter makes clear, God’s children are not to wait until that day to declare His excellence. As we go to share the gospel, our aim must be to proclaim the greatness and grace of God, rather than merely on “soul-winning.”

Looking at the whole of Scripture, it is evident that:

  • The “missionary call” is found throughout all of Scripture.
  • All who know God are to declare His greatness.
  • The object of missions has always been to “all the nations.”

Looking particularly at the New Testament, it is revealed that:

  • Christ commanded the Church to reach all people-groups
  • The local church is to “do missions” locally, regionally and globally
  • Paul was ordained by God to teach and demonstrate how the Church was to function
  • The goal of missions work is planting and strengthening churches
  • The priority of missions is unchurched regions where new people-groups will hear the truth
  • The work of missions should not neglect acts of compassion


The Hurleys

Kubamitwe, Uganda

The Cramers

Pogradec, Albania

The Klepáčeks

Kroměříž, Czech Republic


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